och en dag så var du bara borta, försvunnen.
"ok well, its very controversial. see its ok now. everybody loves each other kkk.
but there is still a slight form of racism in the air. but very small. its un- heard of. obviously south africa's freedom is still young, so things take a while to change completely. but the days of apartheid are definitely over. BUT there is another form of hatred called xenophobia. look up the word. it means when one tribe or culture thinks they are better than another tribe or culture. this is currently happening. as in now. its new. it just started like about a week ago. so this is still very new information. there is a crisis in Zimbabwe. (just do more research on that) i'm sure you do know wats going on there. anyway, its now affecting south africa. there are immigrants that are fleeing to south africa by the thousands everyday. and now the south africans are getting violent towards them coz they are taking away their jobs. so in the very poor parts of south africa, they are raiding homes and asking people if they are south african. and if they are not, then they will kill you. which is so scary.
those foreign people dont have a choice. they have families to feed, and they need to work. but the proud arrogant south africans dont want to help them.
these stupid south african people forget that when south africans needed help in the apartheid era, zimbabwe helped them. now that zimbabwe needs help, this is what they get. its so sad. these poor Zimbabweans. there is no where for them to run. its days like these where i am so ashamed to be south african. i would love to tell you of good wonderful things about my country, (and my country is so beautiful and amazing. and full of life and pleasure and magnificence) but for now, the only things that come to mind about south africa is shit things. but its the truth. and one needs to hear the truth.
its now affecting the whites in a way too, and the indians and the chinese and whoever doesnt look black. they will kill you if your not a black person from this country (whites, indians blah blah blah) and they will kill you if your a illegal immigrant from anywhere on the african continent.
all this is so sad. and there are always innocent people who have to die.
i hate it. its disgusting."